My heart goes into documentary photography. I love the way pictures can tell a story. A story that will gain more and more value over the years, when certain routines, expressions, daily games, etc disappear from our family lives and become a vague memory. Often times my clients prefer to take family portraits, but I often times convince them to try something different when I show them how I document my kid's life. On this occasion, I had the opportunity to document my daughter´s first ballet recital. I loved what I could see from my camera: the moments of patiently waiting to go on stage, the way she played around with her friends, how all the mom's were doing their best to make their kids look beautiful in their tutus...
My favorite moment: when my daughter turned around and hugged her best friends seconds before going on the stage. She was so excited!
During the recital, I had to stop being the photographer and I became the mom to cheer her up as she was doing her dance moves on the stage.
If you are planning on taking special pictures of you kid/s, consider a 2 to 3 hours sessions documenting one of his/her favorite hobby. You will get a glimpse into their world in addition to wonderful environmental portraits.